FlyTrendy for Brands

Voucher System

Reward content creators with your product vouchers. You set your ad spend and sit back as it transforms into boosted sales.

Voucher icon

Voucher rewards for content

Reward content creators with product vouchers, so your ad spend translates into new sales

Easy distribution

Creators receive their voucher rewards instantly through our platform - no hassle, no fuss

Real-time data

Get real-time data on vouchers distributed during your campaign

Community Generated Content

Upload vouchers and set budget

Upload product vouchers to our platform, based on your desired ad spend or campaign budget.

Set the brief and review content

Set a content brief for your campaign. Review and approve submitted content that aligns with your brand and campaign objectives.

Reward approved content creators

Reward creators with vouchers for their approved content submissions, encouraging repeated activations and brand engagement.

Simple and seamless voucher distribution

pay system icon
Automated compensation
Real-time campaign tracking

Our voucher-based rewards system is controlled through purpose-built software integrated into our platform. No need for you to interact with each creator to manage compensation. Our platform automates the process - all you need to do is choose the best content, and let us handle the rest. You also get real-time data on voucher distribution so you can track conversations and trends live during the campaign.

Get started now

Book a call with us. We’ll show you how our platform can generate guaranteed sales for your brand.